My first trimester: How the Future Student Onboarding Team helped me

University student onboarding

University can be scary, but our Future Student Onboarding Team is here to help you. Check out our students' stories about how they helped them.

When I first received my offer letter and email notification to accept a place with Torrens University I was so excited, but also incredibly nervous - as moving from year 12 to University was a big step. I accepted my offer and completed the steps to get enrolled in my course! Getting started with new systems and subject selection seemed liked big tasks and were a bit scary. Luckily for me the day after being enrolled, someone from the Future Student Onboarding Team called me and helped me figure it all out!

Understanding university systems

Learning about the different systems at Torrens University was definitely more complicated than high school! But they guided me through getting started and helped set me up on all of the university systems I would be using - as well as showing me the new student resources. This helped me feel ready to handle my studies on my own. I was able to access everything and start exploring straight away. Subject selection was hard and very confusing to start with because there were so many subject and timetable options. The Future Student Onboarding Team showed me how to select subjects via the self-service student portal, and even explained the order in which I should complete subjects - so I could be confident to do this myself each trimester.

Taking my first steps at Torrens University

What I liked most about this service was they didn't leave questions unanswered. They showed me how to use all of the systems, how to contact my teachers, where to go for any help and even advice on how to balance study and my personal life! I also really liked that they followed up with me and I felt comfortable to ask for any help I needed. Now that I look back, I see how the Future Student Onboarding team helped me get ready for my new university life. I was really nervous, but instead they helped me feel excited and really well prepared. Thanks to them, I'm doing well in my studies and having a great time at Torrens University!

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