Student support and wellbeing

At Torrens University Australia, we take your needs seriously. Whether you require academic guidance or social support, we’re here to help from enrolment right through to graduation.
We strive to be inclusive and socially aware and have systems and services in place to support your studies and wellbeing.
The University’s Support For Students Policy outlines both academic and non-academic supports available.

Support services

We offer a range of learning development and support services to enhance your success and academic achievement – we are here to help.

Student Facilities and Support | Diversity and inclusion | Friends smiling

Success Coaches

Studying with us means you’ll have access to our Success Coaches to help you achieve your goals and maximise your potential. By supporting, motivating and preparing you the Success Coaches give you the tools and guidance to feel more empowered and confident throughout your studies.
Student Onboarding

Student Onboarding

Starting at Torrens University? Our Future Student Onboarding Team ensures a seamless transition into your first trimester. They introduce essential tools and provide dedicated services to support your early university days, setting you up for success from the very beginning.
Studying with us | Students studying | Torrens University

Diversity and inclusion

Inclusive and socially aware, we support the needs of staff and students and ensure they have equal opportunity for success. We promote a culture that both welcomes and embraces diversity, whether it be on campus or online.

Student Services and Support |Colleagues Student Help Talking

Student organisations

Our Student Representative Council (SRC) is committed to improving student life on and off campus. Advocating for the interests of their peers, the SRC promotes the academic and social wellbeing of the entire student body.

Why study with us?

As the country’s fastest-growing university, Torrens University Australia brings a fresh approach to higher education. With employability at the centre of everything we do, we offer industry-relevant courses taught by leading experts. Our flexible study options, personalised approach and partnership placements will help you find a career you love.

Are you feeling unsafe, overwhelmed or in distress and need to speak to someone right now?

Our Wellbeing Support Line is available 24hrs a day, all year round. Call or text to talk to a mental health professional who can offer immediate support.

Phone: 1300 093 800
Text: 0485 829 959

Craig Robinson - Master of Business Administration Sports Management student testimonial
Torrens University has a great student support network, guiding you all the way through your studies. I’m so glad I made the decision to pursue an MBA.
Craig Robinson
Graduate, MBA Sports Management

Student support team members

We can help you with your questions about anything to do with your studies and learning experience.

Rochelle Morris | Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Liaison Business | Staff
Rochelle Morris
First Nations Liaison Advisor
A Gumbaynggirr woman from the North Coast of NSW, Rochelle is passionate about promoting Indigenous cultural perspectives at Torrens University Australia. Holding a bachelor degree in Adult Education, she is experienced in both higher education and public service.
Susan Anderson
Susan Anderson
National Lead Counsellor

Leading the Torrens University Counselling services, Susan offers on-campus and online support to students. Making the mental health and wellbeing of others her priority, Susan is determined to ensure students thrive during their journey at university.
Sara Nest
Sara Nest
Accessibility Advisor

Sara is committed to upholding accessibility in the learning environment for students with disabilities. She works collaboratively with students to develop tailored adjustments to support their study. She also provides guidance to staff on best practice for accessible learning and engagement.
Peter Stowasser
Dr Peter Stowasser
Academic Support Facilitator – Numeracy

Peter works in the Academic Success Team which supports students in the development of their academic literacy and numeracy. Numeracy is Peter’s real passion which he uses to help students feel comfortable working with numbers.
Sam Sannasgala
Sam Sannasgala
Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) Coordinator

Through trained Student Leaders, Sam coordinates PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions), a free, academic study assistance program run by students for students. PASS aims to improve subject engagement and learning though online study sessions.
Skyye Corrie
Skyye Corrie
Future Student Onboarding Officer

As part of the Future Student Onboarding team, Skyye connects with new students to ensure they are confident to begin their journey. Educating them with essential knowledge on Uni platforms, systems and support avenues. Skyye is committed to helping new students Start Strong, Stay Strong and learn how to be successful.

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