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Frequently asked questions

Looking for something?
  • How do you become an Industry Partner?
    Some of the ways we love to work with industry are through internships, live briefs, work placements and speaker events.

    Torrens University Australia engages in robust dialogue with local, national and global businesses, industries and associations with the goal of creating better graduate outcomes for our students.

    We are always keen to speak to industry about shaping the future. Enquire online.

  • What industry partners does Torrens University Australia have?

    We partner with organisations to provide the best industry-focused learning for our students.

    To find out more, visit Industry's University.

  • How do I contact a Melbourne campus?
    You can contact our Melbourne campuses via phone or email, or come in for a visit. We have Course and Careers Advisors and a Student Services team on campus to answer any questions you have and can give you a private tour of the campus. For contact details for our Melbourne campuses please visit Melbourne campuses.
  • How do I contact a Sydney campus?
    You can contact our Sydney campuses via phone or email, or come in for a visit. We have Course and Careers Advisors and a Student Services team on campus to answer any questions you have and can give you a private tour of the campus. For contact details for our Sydney campuses please visit Sydney campuses.
  • How do I contact the Adelaide campus?
    You can contact our Adelaide campus via phone or email, or come in for a visit. We have Course and Careers Advisors and a Student Services team on campus to answer any questions you have and can give you a private tour of the campus. For contact details for our Adelaide campus please visit Adelaide campuses.
  • How do I contact the Blue Mountains campus?
    You can contact our Blue Mountains campus via phone or email, or come in for a visit. We have Course and Careers Advisors and a Student Services team on campus to answer any questions you have and can give you a private tour of the campus. For contact details please visit Blue Mountains campus.
  • How do I contact the Brisbane campus?
    You can contact our Brisbane campus via phone or email, or come in for a visit. We have Course and Careers Advisors and a Student Services team on campus to answer any questions you have and can give you a private tour of the campus.   For contact details for our Brisbane campuses please visit Brisbane campuses.
  • How do I contact the China campus?
    You can contact our Suzhou campus in China via phone or come in for a visit. We have a Student Services team on campus to answer any questions you have and can give you a private tour of the campus. For contact details, please visit China campus.
  • Where can I study?

    Study online or at one of our 12 campuses across Australia. Depending on your course, you can change campuses while studying and explore life in different cities.

    Note: International students must not enrol into any more than a third or 33 per cent of online subjects over their course and must study at least one subject that is on-campus in each trimester.

  • Where is Torrens University Australia based?
    We have campuses based around Australia and China. To find out more, visit campuses.
  • Why work at Torrens University Australia?

    There are many benefits to working at TUA – we put people at the heart of everything we do. We value diversity and inclusion and are committed to the attraction, retention and development of all people regardless of gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability. In addition, workplace benefits include volunteer leave, annual leave extensions, salary sacrificing and tuition reduction benefits on a range of courses. If you care about the world and yourself, it’s the ideal organisation to focus on the greater good while fulfilling your own ambitions.

    To find out more, visit careers with us.

  • How can I contact Torrens University Australia?
    The best way to get in contact with Torrens University Australia is to fill out the Contact us form or call 1300 575 803.
  • I have a question about studying at Torrens University Australia that isn’t answered here. Where should I go next?
    If you can’t find the answer to your question here, our Future Student Advisors can help. Submit a Contact us form and they’ll be in touch.
  • Are Billy Blue students sought after in the industry?

    Billy Blue students are highly sought after in the design industry.

    While you study, you’ll have your own Success Coach who will make sure you get the most out of your course, build on your strengths and help you meet your career goals. You’ll be taught by lecturers who are working in the industry and have the opportunity to complete internships and/or industry live briefs. This makes you a powerhouse, ready to start working from the moment you graduate.

  • Is FEE-HELP available for Billy Blue courses?
    If you are an eligible Australian student, FEE-HELP is available for all degrees, meaning you can defer your fees and pay later. International students need to pay each trimester in full before it starts.
  • Who is Billy Blue?
    Billy Blue, the man, allegedly stole a little raw sugar in the 1800s which sent him to the shores of Sydney as a convict. He made the most of it and kick-started Sydney’s first ferry service. Years later, the founders of Billy Blue magazine kept his rebellious spirit alive. Thirty years on, what started as a magazine blossomed into a design agency, then a school and now a university, created by designers for designers. To find out more, visit Billy Blue College of Design.
  • Will Torrens University Australia help me find work after I graduate?

    Yes. While you are studying, you’ll have a dedicated Success Coach and the chance to gain real work experience. You will graduate with a professional portfolio, prepared for the workforce.

    We also have a graduate exhibition that is well attended by top professionals in the design and creative industries. In fact, students have been known to get a call from a prospective employer within weeks of the exhibition.

  • What is Artificial Intelligence?

    Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that refers to intelligence demonstrated by machines. It's a rapidly growing field of technology that is being implemented in many sectors. These are the courses we offer to explain how Artificial Intelligence works, why design principles are essential, and how you can get started in this seriously exciting career:

    • Bachelor of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
    • Master of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
    • Master of Software Engineering, Advanced (Artificial Intelligence)
  • What is Cloud Computing?

    Cloud Computing is a branch of computer science. It’s the always-on approach to technology services and resources that is being implemented by more and more companies. These are the courses we offer in Cloud Computing:

    • Graduate Certificate of Software Engineering
    • Master of Software Engineering (Cloud Computing)
    • Master of Software Engineering, Advanced (Cloud Computing)
  • What is Creative Technology?

    Creative Technology focuses on applying design thinking concepts to the technology development process, in order to create something with the end-user needs in mind.  View our Creative Technology courses that we offer: 

    • Diploma of Game Design & Development
    • Diploma of Software Engineering
    • Bachelor of Game Design & Development
    • Bachelor of Software Engineering (Game Programming)
    • Bachelor of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
    • Graduate Certificate of Software Engineering
    • Graduate Certificate of Digital Transformation and Creative Intelligence
    • Master of Software Engineering (Cloud Computing)
    • Master of Software Engineering, Advanced (Cloud Computing)
    • Master of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
    • Master of Software Engineering, Advanced (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Can I live outside the Leura campus?

    No. All students currently studying Bachelor of International Resort and Hotel Management at the Leura campus are required to live on site, in the accommodation blocks. New and direct-entry undergraduate students are required to stay on campus and share a room. Undergraduate students are asked to embrace twin-share accommodation, to provide companionship and peer support. Most students form close bonds with their roommates and often request to share a room with the same person again. There are no mixed-gender rooms. Room dividers ensure privacy when sleeping and dressing.

    First-year undergraduate students are required to share a room with someone from a different nationality. As an international school, we require our students to develop their cultural awareness and appreciation of other nationalities. This also prepares students to work in the hospitality industry, which is international by nature.

    Second-year undergraduate students returning from industry placement can apply for a single room. You can request a single room on the Return to School (RTS) form. There are a limited number of single rooms available.

    Third-year and postgraduate students studying in Sydney are required to find their own accommodation.

    During the Christmas break, you may return home, travel around Australia, or find casual work locally or in Sydney. As there is no accommodation available at the Leura campus over Christmas, you can find short-term accommodation nearby or in Sydney, or go online to

  • What are the accommodation options when studying at Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Adelaide campuses?
    Our Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide campuses do not provide accommodation. If you are new to the country and need help finding housing in Australia, please visit Accommodation.
  • Do I need to wear a uniform?
    Our undergraduate students are expected to follow strict grooming standards on campus. These are documented in the welcome booklet prior to starting your course. For our postgraduate students, corporate business suits are worn to campus.
  • What is the English Language Program (ELP)?
    The English Language Program (ELP) is designed to support students from countries and cultures where English is not their first language. It is an intensive program that will take your English skills to the next level prior to starting their studies at BMIHMS. Those who attain IELTS 6.0 academic or equivalent will automatically progress into the bachelor degree. Minimum entry to the ELP is IELTS 4.5, with students increasing by IELTS 0.5 over a 10-week period. BMIHMS offer the English Language Program at the Leura campus. To find out more, visit English Language courses.
  • I have worked in the hospitality or hotel industry. Can I get credit for this?
    Yes, as long as you can provide evidence of the hours you worked (minimum 600 hours), the organisation you worked in and a description of the duties you carried out. This must be submitted and approved upon enrolment.
  • Do I get help to get an industry placement?
    Yes. The Career Development department will coach you through your job-application process. As well as assisting you with job searches, resume writing and interview techniques, they will help you secure an industry placement with an approved employer. BMIHMS has a Career Development department to assist you on all campuses.
  • Is Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School part of Torrens University Australia?

    Yes. Being part of Torrens University Australia, BMIHMS students benefit from university prestige, increased global opportunities and learning in an environment that encourages innovation. Torrens University Australia brings a fresh, modern, career-focused and global perspective to higher education, aiming to provide graduates with a globally oriented skill set that will make them desirable to employers.

    When you graduate, you will receive an internationally recognised degree from BMIHMS at Torrens University Australia. You can also continue studying programs, going from diploma to bachelor to master and even a PhD.

  • Can I work in Australia on my student visa?

    Most student visas allow you to work for up to 40 hours per fortnight while your course is in session and unlimited hours during study breaks. Find out more at

    All people working in Australia have basic rights and protections in the workplace, including minimum pay and conditions. The Fair Work Ombudsman makes sure that these rights are protected and enforced fairly under Australia’s workplace laws. For more information, please visit the Australian Fair Work Ombudsman website.

  • What happens if I fail a subject in my degree?
    If you fail a subject, you may be eligible to repeat the failed exam/assessment if you obtained a marginal fail (45%-49%) for the first time. The repeat exam would be completed by week 3 of the following term. If you score below 45%, you will have to repeat the entire subject again. All failed subjects will show on academic transcripts.
  • What is Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School (BMIHMS)?

    We are the No. 1 ranked hotel management school in Australia and Asia Pacific (Kantar 2020), at which students live and study in a simulated hotel environment.

    BMIHMS was founded by Swiss hotelier Fritz Grubler and Australian founders of Mawland Property Group, Robert Whittingham and Max Player. We are the first school in Australia to operate the internationally recognised Swiss hotel management program.

    For more than 30 years we have trained world-class graduates in hotel management. Today, we offer a bachelor degree and a master degree in International Hotel Management, as well as a MBA in International Hotel Leadership.

  • Am I eligible for a discounted price?
    Various special prices and promotions are available throughout the year. To find out if you are eligible for any discounts, please contact us.
  • Who can assist me if I have any questions?
    Everyone at the Torrens University Language Centre wants your time at the university and in Australia to be a memorable learning experience so we are here to help. Our Student Advisors are always available and can offer assistance with any questions that you may have. These questions can be around course requirements, enrolment changes, your stay in Australia, job placement, student fees, and personal support and counselling.
  • Is the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) a university pathway?

    Students can combine an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course with their chosen Torrens University Australia degree.

    The EAP course will help students to improve their English to the level required for studying with us. It also teaches students specific features of academic English, including essay structure, paraphrasing, referencing, note-taking, research skills, presentation language and academic vocabulary.

  • Do I have to do a placement test?
    After registration and orientation, General English students will take the English Placement Test, before being placed in the appropriate class. Students in other courses who have already been tested will be given their textbooks and introduced to their class.
  • How many weeks can I study a course?

    The maximum course length depends on your visa and current English level. The length of your study program should be chosen according to your needs and goals.

    General English (Elementary to Advanced) courses take 1-40 weeks to complete.

    English for Academic Purposes (Intermediate to Advanced) take 10-30 weeks to complete.

  • How much will my English improve?
    On average, students studying English courses at Torrens University move from one level to the next in approximately 10 weeks. It varies depending on the student, but if you work hard and speak only English while you are here, you should improve quickly.
  • Can I work in Australia while I study?
    If you are on a student visa, you are usually allowed to work 40 hours in a two-week period. For more information go to:
  • Do I need to have health cover or insurance?
    It is a student visa condition that you have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of your stay in Australia. OSHC will contribute towards medical and hospital expenses that you may incur.
  • What English language courses are on offer?

    Torrens University Australia Language Centre (TULC) offers two types of English language courses for international students: General English and English for Academic Purposes.

    The General English (Elementary to Advanced) courses are designed to introduce you to everything that is required when learning a new language and the core skills to communicate confidently and independently in English (reading, writing, speaking and listening).

    To prepare students for university entry and success, the English for Academic Purposes (Intermediate to Advanced) courses are provided in a supportive and friendly environment. They cover topics such as research skills, paraphrasing and summarising, referencing and academic integrity.

    To find out more, visit English Language courses.

  • When can I start my English course?
    There are 10 intake dates per year that you can apply for the General English or the English for Academic Purposes courses. For more information, you can download our course guide or email us.
  • Can I do a research degree if I have not previously studied in the field I wish to research?
    As HDR courses are not coursework degrees, applicants will require a background and knowledge in the field in which they wish to conduct research. It is important that applicants can demonstrate they have the capacity for understanding their proposed field of research. Applicants are unlikely to be accepted if they have not demonstrated this capacity, and if their research proposal deviates from previous academic experience.
  • Can I get credits for previously completed subjects?
    No. There is no coursework in HDR degrees which could be credited.
  • Can I study part-time?
    Yes. The Master of Philosophy can be completed in a maximum of four years part time, and the Doctor of Philosophy can be completed in a maximum of six years part time. This would equate to roughly 20 hours commitment a week. Part-time students are not eligible for scholarships.
  • Can someone help me write my Research Proposal?
    No. The Research Proposal is your opportunity to demonstrate that you have the research and critical thinking skills required to complete a HDR. All proposals are submitted for an academic integrity and similarity assessment.
  • Do I have to be on campus?
    No. On-campus spaces are provided to HDR students so they have quiet places to study, but you can choose to study from any location that suits your needs. However, when possible we strongly encourage students to regularly meet with their supervisors face-to-face, and this would involve travel to campus. There is also an expectation that HDR students will contribute to TUA’s vibrant research culture by engaging in on-campus activities and events, regularly attending seminars and collaborating with other TUA researchers and HDR students.
  • Do I have to write a thesis?
    HDR students are required to complete a major project over the course of their candidature which is then submitted for examination. The most common project is a standard narrative thesis of 30,000-80,000 words, depending on the course. However, students also have the option of completing a thesis by publication, or submitting an industry folio or creative work accompanied by an exegesis. For more information on what form your project could take, please see Higher Degree by Research Thesis Guidelines.
  • Do I need a bachelor in order to be eligible for the Doctor of Philosophy?

    In most cases, yes. Not all postgraduate qualifications are weighted the same. Qualifications will be assessed by the admissions team. Students must have a minimum credit average on their previous studies in order to be considered for entry for both the MPhil and PhD.

    For direct entry into a PhD, applicants need to have completed a minimum of 80 credit units of research-related studies or equivalent, and have completed a thesis.

  • Do I need to have research skills?
    Yes. Higher Degrees by Research are not coursework degrees, and unless prescribed by a supervisor coursework is not included in the program. Applicants are expected to have already developed the foundational skills required in their previously completed studies and the HDR will apply and consolidate these skills. If required, supervisors will offer resources to candidates who need additional support, but it is important that applicants are motivated, self-driven and already have a solid foundation to base their research on.
  • Do I need to find a supervisor?
    Supervisors are assigned to students based on expertise and availability. However, we strongly encourage students to review our Research Profiles and reach out to academics to discuss potential supervision and developing the EOI and Research Proposal. You can review Research Profiles and find out more about research at Torrens University.
  • General enquiries?
    If you have any questions that were not covered by the above, please contact us at
  • How do I apply to a Higher Degrees by Research Scholarship?

    We have a limited number of scholarships available to both domestic and international students, including the Research Training Program Scholarship for domestic applicants. Scholarships are awarded based on merit, and the strength of the research proposal. We offer some partial fee waivers, and these are also assessed on merit.

    For more information on the RTP Scholarship:

    There is no guarantee a scholarship will be offered.

  • How do I know if I am eligible?

    The MPhil has entry criteria of:

    • A relevant honours degree, or
    • A three or four-year bachelor degree (with credit average GPA), or
    • A graduate diploma or masters by coursework (with credit average GPA).

    The PhD has entry criteria of:

    • A master’s degree either by research or by coursework with a substantial element of research work, or
    • A relevant first or second class honours degree.
    • A “substantial element of research work” is a thesis of 15,000 words or more, or the equivalent in research publications. The thesis must contain original research and data collection.

    While the entry criteria lists the minimum requirements, admission into our HDR programs is also dependent upon the quality of the research proposal. International students from countries whose first official language is one other than English must also provide evidence of English Language Proficiency.

  • How long does the application process take?

    The application process typically takes approximately three months, with some applications taking longer. All applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis, and some will be delayed due to their complexity, or the timeliness of student responsiveness. The high volume of applications we receive can also lead to delays in processing. Please allow ample time for processing and understand that while we endeavour to review and complete applications as quickly as possible, we cannot expedite the process.

    All new applications must be received at least three months before the start of the applicant’s preferred study period. We cannot accept any applications received after the cut-off dates and will not expedite applications for any reason.

    Please be advised that in most cases we are unable to accept offers more than six months in advance, due to changing supervisor availability.

  • How will my progress be measured?
    Students’ progress is measured each trimester by the submission of a Progress Report, which is written by the Principal Supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students who do not progress are required to attend a show-cause meeting, in which they will defend their research and explain how they intend on getting back on track with their studies and completing their project on time.

    Students are also expected to achieve a series of milestones.

    For more information on progress and milestones, please refer to the Research Student Progress Procedure.

  • What can I study?
    Torrens University Australia offers supervision to students studying a Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy. TUA has supervision expertise in the areas of Business, Health, Design, Education and Information Technology/Artificial Intelligence. TUA is only able to supervise projects in these areas.
  • What is a Higher Degree by Research (HDR)?
    A higher degree by research is focused on undertaking self-directed independent research that contributes to discipline-based knowledge and theory building. A student pursuing a higher degree by research requires core knowledge in a discipline, research skills, self-motivation and drive, the ability to work independently with a supervisor, critical thinking skills and very strong academic writing skills.
  • What is required in a Higher Degree by Research?
    A Higher Degree by Research is an advanced program of study which requires the candidate to conduct independent research into a particular topic in their field, while being guided by a supervisory team. It requires the submission of a thesis comprised entirely of original work and submitted for examination at the end of the student’s candidature. The submitted thesis must demonstrate original and critical thought, contribute to the current body of knowledge in the student’s chosen area, and be clearly and coherently written.
  • What is the application process?

    The first step in the application process is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI).

    This document needs to be completed in full. The EOI is an opportunity to show your academic ability, your ability to follow instructions and your attention to detail. Incomplete applications and EOIs will be rejected.

    The EOI needs to be submitted to along with the following supporting documentation:

    • Official and certified copies of all academic transcripts (including course offerings and results) and certificates attained from any and all undergraduate and postgraduate courses completed
    • Proof of citizenship
    • Evidence of English Language Proficiency (if applicable)

    If applying for a PhD:

    • copies of, or links to, any research publications authored by you (in English), and
    • An up-to-date curriculum vitae.

    The EOI is a screening assessment to ascertain:

    • Your level of academic writing
    • Your ability to interrogate literature
    • The alignment of your project area to the targeted projects of TUA
    • Your ability to follow instructions and problem solve, and
    • Your understanding of the current literature and research opportunities.

    When we have received your EOI, your academic eligibility will be assessed first. If you have met the academic criteria for entry, the quality of your EOI will then be assessed based on the criteria listed above.

    Late or incomplete EOIs, including EOIs submitted with insufficient documentation, will not be assessed. If the EOI is approved, we will request a two-page Research Proposal. The Research Proposal should advance on your EOI, further developing your research idea and proposed methodology. To ensure your proposal is of the standard required for entry, we suggest you interrogate the research in your chosen area, ensure your proposal is founded in research and that clear gaps for future research have been identified.

    The strength and quality of your Research Proposal will also be assessed, and supervisor availability will be determined.

    Please be advised that Expressions of Interest and Research Proposals are run through software which identifies similarity rates to other submitted and published work. If your submission returns a high similarity rate, it will not be accepted and we will not review any resubmissions.

    Applications can be rejected at any stage during the application process for a variety of reasons, ranging from not meeting the entry requirements, to the university being unable to supervise the project. Please be assured all efforts are made to carefully review and accommodate all applications.

  • What is the time commitment for a Higher Degree by Research?
    A full-time HDR course requires a 40-hour commitment each week. HDR students are entitled to four weeks of annual leave, and can apply for 12 months of additional leave due to exceptional circumstances such as illness or injury. Although the academic year at Torrens is divided into three trimesters, HDR students do not have trimester breaks and are expected to work consistently throughout the year.
  • Who can I speak to around questions I have on your courses?

    To find answers to any questions you may have about our courses, contact one of our friendly Future Student Advisors. Fill out the contact us form and they will reach out to you. Alternatively, call us on 1300 575 803. Monday to Friday, 8am-7pm AEST. Please note: the contact number from 5-8pm is (02) 9034 5193.

    For new international student enquiries, call 1300 575 803.

  • How do I arrange a campus tour?
    You can book a campus tour through our website. Please register your interest and one of our Future Student Advisors will be in touch to book in a time.
  • What is Virtual Open Day?

    Virtual Open Day is a customised online event that is designed for you to explore your study options in courses related to Business, Design, Technology, Hospitality, Hotel Management, Health and Education.

    To find out more, visit Virtual Open Day.

  • Where can I find out about Torrens University Australia events?

    Throughout the year we host a variety of events for undergraduate, postgraduate and current students.

    To find out about our events and workshops visit What’s On.

  • What does admissions criteria mean?

    Admissions criteria is a set of criteria that must be met to be eligible to apply for a chosen course.

    To gain entry to an accredited undergraduate course at Torrens University Australia, applicants must both satisfy general admissions criteria and meet any additional course requirements where specified.

    All admissions criteria and course-specific requirements apply consistently across campus locations and study modes. To find out more, visit course pages.

  • What if I don’t meet the entry criteria for a degree?

    Torrens University Australia has recognised pathways to help you gain entry into our bachelor degrees based on different criteria.

    To find out more, visit Study pathways or contact one of our knowledgeable Future Student Advisors.

  • How do I apply?

    Applying is easy and can be done online by filling out the apply form. If you have any difficulty, please contact a Future Student Advisor, who can talk you through the process.

    ALL SA/SACE and Victorian high school students must apply through SATAC and/or VTAC. Search for Torrens University Australia, Billy Blue College of Design or Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School. International applicants may also need to demonstrate compliance with relevant legislative requirements, for example, requirements for student visas (this does not apply for online study outside of Australia).

  • How will I know if my application has been processed?
    Our Future Student Advisors will help you through every step of the application process and provide you with updates. If your application is successful, you will receive an offer letter via email.
  • I am having trouble with my application. Who can help?
    Our friendly Future Student Advisors are available to answer all your questions and guide you through the application process. Fill out the contact us form and one of them will reach out to you.
  • What are Torrens University Australia’s courses’ ATAR requirements?
    Torrens University Australia no longer considers ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) as our primary entry requirement. We have removed ATAR as the key admissions criteria for applicants aiming to study at Torrens University Australia. We strongly believed an alternative to the ATAR system should be found, which more broadly assesses students, especially when soft skills are emerging as important employability attributes. So, students with a recent secondary school education are now considered for admission if they have a Year 12 (Australian secondary school) certificate.
  • Can I get course credit for previous experience?

    Yes, course credit is available upon application and academic approval.

    If you have already completed a qualification or have relevant work experience, you may be able to receive credits towards your degree. This credit can take the form of credit transfer, block credit or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

    Our Program Directors will carefully review the learning gained from your previous qualification and/or experience to ensure we provide you with credit towards our degrees whenever appropriate. Review our course credits page or chat to one of Future Student Advisors.

  • What are course credits?

    Course credits are credits that can be applied to your course based on your prior experience or qualifications. To find out more, visit course credits.

  • Is there anything I can do to prepare for Torrens University Australia?

    There are lots of resources to help you prepare for university life. Attend one of our workshops or events and get some tips firsthand from our industry-focused lecturers and current students.

    The events programs range in topic and delivery mode, so there should always be one to suit your needs. At any time you can contact one of our Future Student Advisors to talk through your career goals. They can guide you on what to expect and how you can get prepared earlier. If you know exactly which course you want to enrol in, you could take advantage of the early entry program.

  • What is the Early Entry Program?

    The Torrens University Australia Early Entry Program has been created to allow you to apply and secure your place for your chosen course before you finish your Year 12 exams.

    To find out more, visit Early Entry Program or email or phone 1300 575 803.

  • Am I a domestic or an international student?

    Domestic students are Australian and Permanent Residents. International students are those who hold citizenship or Permanent Resident status of all other countries.

    International students from countries whose first official language is one other than English need to provide evidence of English Language Proficiency.

  • Am I eligible for FEE-HELP?

    To get a FEE-HELP loan, you must:

    • Be an Australian citizen and study at least part of your course in Australia; or
    • Be a New Zealand Special Category visa (SCV) holder or permanent humanitarian visa holder and meet the residency requirements - permanent residents can only get FEE-HELP for approved bridging studies.
    • Be enrolled in a fee-paying place at a provider that offers FEE-HELP loans.
    • Be enrolled in an eligible course at your provider by the census date (your provider can tell you if your course is eligible).
    • Submit the Request for FEE-HELP loan form to your provider by the census date.
    • Have an available HELP balance.
    • Have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) prior to the first census date (for new enrolments from 1 January 2021).
    • Maintain a pass-rate of 50 per cent or above to continue to be eligible for FEE-HELP if you are studying at a non-university higher education provider.
    • Maintain a pass-rate of 50 per cent* or above to be eligible for FEE-HELP if you are commencing study in a new course at an Australian university from 1 January 2022.
    • Not undertake more than 2 years' worth of higher education study in the last 12 months, unless your provider has assessed you as capable of taking on a higher study load.

    *This means that once you have undertaken 4 or more units in a sub-bachelor level course, or 8 or more units in bachelor and above level courses, you must have passed at least 50 per cent of your total attempted units in order to remain eligible for a CSP, HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP.

    For further information, visit the Australian Government website Study Assist.

  • Can I apply for FEE-HELP?

    To be eligible for FEE-HELP you need to be an Australian citizen , and have a tax file number. You must also be studying at an approved higher education provider, such as Torrens University Australia.

    You can find out more information on the StudyAssist website at or contact us and we can guide you through the process.

  • How do I apply for FEE-HELP?

    If you receive an offer from Torrens University Australia, and you meet the eligibility requirements, you may be eligible for FEE-HELP. You will need to complete a Commonwealth Assistance Form if you want to defer payment of some, or all, of your tuition fees. You will need to quote your tax file number or provide a Certificate of Application for a Tax File Number. The form must be completed before the due date.

    You can find out more information on the StudyAssist website at or speak to our Future Student Advisors and we can guide you through the process.

  • Is there a FEE-HELP limit?
    • There is a limit to how much HELP you can borrow. For most students the HELP loan limit is $109,206. The Australian Government publishes the HELP Loan limit on their website.
    • FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that assists eligible fee-paying students to pay their tuition costs. Eligible students can borrow up to the FEE-HELP limit to pay their tuition fees. Note: Any loan fees that were applied to study prior to January 1, 2019 will not count towards your FEE-HELP limit.
    • Students repay the loan to the Australian Government through the tax system once a student reaches the minimum income threshold level for repayment, which is $47,014 in 2021-22.
    • You can find out more information on the Study Assist website at or Contact Us and we can guide you through the process.
  • What courses are available for FEE-HELP?
    To find out more, visit How to Apply.
  • What is FEE-HELP?

    FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that assists eligible full-fee-paying students pay their tuition costs.

    You must be studying at an approved FEE-HELP provider in order to access a FEE-HELP loan, such as Torrens University Australia.

    A FEE-HELP loan does not cover costs like accommodation, laptops or textbooks, and must be repaid once you start earning above a certain income threshold.

    To find out more, visit the Study Assist website:

  • How do Torrens University Australia fees charge?

    Torrens University Australia is a full-fee paying institution. To find out more, visit Tuition Fees.

    Domestic students may be eligible for FEE-HELP. For more information on FEE-HELP, please visit:

    Please note we do not currently offer any full fee waivers for international students. We do not offer stipends or living allowances.

  • How much are Torrens University Australia courses?

    For a full list of tuition fees, visit Tuition Fees.

    Remember, if you're an Australian citizen or permanent resident, your fees can be covered by FEE-HELP. You can find out more information on FEE-HELP on the StudyAssist website at or contact us and we can guide you through the process.

  • What are the key dates?
    To find out more, visit Key Dates.
  • What are the semester and term dates?

    Torrens University Australia has three main intakes each year, usually during February, June and September. There are also a range of accelerated intake dates available, meaning if you just miss the start date, you don’t have to wait until the next intake.

    You can apply any time throughout the year for the next intake start date – or a future start date if you are planning ahead. Different semester dates apply for Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School as well as some of our other courses.

    To find out more, visit key dates.

  • What are pathways?

    All Torrens University Australia courses have specific entry requirements, but we also offer multiple pathways into courses when you don’t meet those entry requirements.

    There are different pathways for different courses. For example, we offer a range of diploma courses which pathway into bachelor degrees in Business, Design and Creative Technology, Health and Hospitality. We also have graduate certificate and graduate diploma courses which pathway into masters courses in Business, Global Project Management, Sports Management, Health, Education, Design and Hospitality. 

    For more information on different types of pathways available, visit study pathways.

  • How can I pay for my course?

    Payment information will be outlined in your offer letter but there are a couple of different options:

    1. Upfront payment via credit card, BPAY, cheque or overseas bank account transfer
    2. Full or partial payment via FEE-HELP Government Assistance (domestic students only)
  • I don’t have a portfolio and I want to study a degree. What can I do?

    If you have met the entry requirement for the course, you do not need to submit a design portfolio.

    If you can’t meet the entry requirement and don’t have a portfolio, you will need to show evidence of prior industry/work experience OR have completed or partially completed study from an accredited institution to gain entry into the course.

    If you would like to talk through the entry requirements, please contact one of our Future Student Advisors.

  • I have a portfolio but haven’t completed a Higher School Certificate or equivalent. How can I gain entry into a degree?

    We offer several pathway options for students who have not completed a Higher School Certificate or equivalent.

    For some courses, entry can be achieved by undertaking a diploma course first (pathway criteria applies), and on successful completion of the diploma you can credit this study towards completion of a degree. Mature-aged students (21 and over) are also welcome to apply directly based on work experience and/or an existing portfolio. To find out more about Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or applying directly, please contact a Future Student Advisor.

  • What makes a good portfolio?

    A good portfolio should include 6-10 pieces of original creative work and provide evidence of both your creativity and skill.

    To find out more, visit portfolio and interviews for guidance on what to include in your application portfolio or speak to a Future Student Advisor.

  • Directions and how easy it is to get to the clinic i.e via public transport/parking?

    Bowen, Brisbane- We are a ten to fifteen minute walk from Fortitude Valley train station. There is metered parking around the clinic or under covered paid parking on Martin Street.

    Fitzroy, Melbs – The campus is readily accessible via public transport including tram, bus and train. 2-hour street parking is also available right outside the campus.

    Surry Hills, Sydney - Walking distance from the city's key transport links.

  • Directions and how easy it is to get to the Brisbane clinic i.e via public transport/parking?

    Bowen, Brisbane- We are a ten to fifteen minute walk from Fortitude Valley train station. There is metered parking around the clinic or under covered paid parking on Martin Street.

  • Directions and how easy it is to get to the Melbourne clinic i.e via public transport/parking?

    Fitzroy, Melbs – The campus is readily accessible via public transport including tram, bus and train. 2-hour street parking is also available right outside the campus.

  • Directions and how easy it is to get to the Sydney clinic i.e via public transport/parking?

    Surry Hills, Sydney - Walking distance from the city's key transport links.

  • How can I enrol in one of your Health qualifications?
    If you are passionate about pursuing a career in Health and Wellbeing discover our health courses and start your journey.
  • How is wellbeing measured?

    Wellbeing is so important that it is measured by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), among others. In its survey, the ONS asks these subjective questions: How satisfied are you with your life nowadays? How happy did you feel yesterday? How anxious did you feel yesterday? To what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?

    The OECD Framework for Measuring Wellbeing and Progress takes objective measurements in three areas: material conditions; quality of life; and sustaining wellbeing for the future. As well as subjective and objective measurements, a third category is the ‘preference-based approach’. Proposed by French economist Marc Fleurbaey, it assesses the values individuals place on the non-income aspects of their lives to measure what creates a high level of wellbeing. When measuring wellbeing, the results are not predictable: affluent groups can register low levels, for example, while some people in unfavourable conditions can have a strong sense of wellbeing.

    Office for National Statistics, ‘Wellbeing’, accessed at

    OECD, ‘Measuring Well-being and Progress: Well-being Research’, 2019, accessed at

    International Panel on Social Progress, ‘How do we measure well-being’, The Conversation, 9 January 2018, accessed at

  • How long is a Telehealth consultation?

    Clients should allow up to 1.5 hours for the consultation. During the consultation the student practitioner will assess the presenting complaint and conduct a holistic review of health. This may take up to 45 minutes. There will be a small break (30 minutes) between taking your case and client feedback. The break time allows the student practitioner to analyse your case and present their findings to their clinic supervisor for approval. Once the prescription is approved, the student practitioner will discuss the recommendations with the client (15 minutes). The Practice Wellbeing Centre reception will send your prescription and schedule a follow-up appointment.

    Please note: it is not possible to conduct certain biomedical or holistic assessments, such as physical examination. However, we do encourage clients to have recent physical or pathology results available during your consultation. Your practitioner will assess your suitability for a Telehealth consultation and/or arrange a referral for an in-person assessment if necessary.

    Additional paperwork, such as prescription, clinic handouts or referrals will be emailed to you via The Practice Wellbeing Centre email address. Our email service is not encrypted. Any prescriptions (herbal medicines, teas, nutritional supplements, celloids flower essences) will be processed through a third party practitioner-only dispensary and will be collected and paid by the client or mailed to your preferred address in a timely manner. All prescribed therapeutic products and any additional mail or processing fees are inclusive of the third party dispensary and client and exclude The Practice Wellbeing Centre.

  • Telehealth fee?

    There is no fee for Telehealth consultations.

    There are no private health fund or Medicare rebates available for this service.

  • What is a student led clinic?

    Our students gain proven skills, confidence and valuable experience by practicing on real clients in the clinic while they study. We believe that emerging professionals don’t just require theoretical knowledge, but also a skills-based teaching model and supportive learning environment that nurtures each individual’s potential to grow as an individual and professional.

    At The Practice Wellbeing Centre, our range of treatments combines a health science approach with complementary medicine. All sessions are supervised by qualified and highly experienced practitioners.

  • What is Beauty & Aesthetics?

    There are a variety of treatments that our highly knowledgeable students offer in our Brisbane clinic, supervised by an industry experienced practicing lecturer.

    Our students are ready to showcase their skills and knowledge to our clients, looking after them and making sure they leave happy, relaxed, and feeling enriched by their treatment and experience. The treatments may include facials, waxing, make-up, body treatments, manicure and pedicure.

  • What is BIA?

    The Practice Student Clinic has Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) approved Body Composition Analysis equipment. This simple to use equipment, accurately measures body mass index, muscle mass, body fat, hydration levels and other important biomarkers. This testing is most commonly used for clients with a focus on weight loss or gain, obtaining peak physical performance, managing chronic disease risk and managing health proactively.

    Body Composition analysis takes 15 minutes and is best used in conjunction with a full complementary medicine consultation where the practitioner can explain results and help you to achieve your health goals.

  • What is Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture?

    Chinese Medicine connects mind, body and spirit to restore harmony. Through a range of techniques and remedies including Chinese herbal medicine, Acupuncture, Moxibustion and cupping, Dietary therapy and more, Chinese medicine treatments can assist with health issues such as digestion, stress, fatigue, fertility, allergies, and overall long term health.

    Treatments are offered through our SSNT student clinic at Fitzroy, and are highly popular treatments amongst our customers.

  • What is Clinical Myotherapy?
    Clinical Myotherapy is the evidence-based assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain and associated conditions. Clinical Myotherapy involves a patient-centered approach to assessment and management of musculoskeletal pain within in biopsychosocial framework involving multidisciplinary care where necessary. Clinical Myotherapists prescribe pain management and rehabilitation regimes that are tailored to individual patient needs. These interventions may include pain education, manual therapies (e.g. massage and mobilization), lifestyle modification and exercise rehabilitation. Our treatments are incredibly popular and delivered at our Melbourne clinic.
  • What is Counselling?

    You will be treated by a Master of Counselling and Applied Psychotherapy JNI students, who are supervised by qualified and highly experienced practitioners in each field. This presents a fantastic opportunity for our students to gain practical experience and develop confidence in their chosen career area, while also providing treatments to our clients at a very affordable price and helping them with their challenges.

    By using a coordinated matching process, you will be paired with the counselling and psychotherapy student that best suits your individual needs.

  • What is Homeopathy?

    Homeopathy is a traditional naturopathic modality that uses highly diluted preparations of substances to stimulate the body’s healing response to disease.

    Treating each client as an individual, the homeopath will ask in detail about the presenting complaint taking into account lifestyle, eating habits, mental health and medical history. The practitioner takes particular notice of the unique symptom picture of the client as this helps in determining the appropriate homeopathic prescription. Your prescription will be prescribed in low doses in either pillules or drop dose form. Homeopathy is used to treat acute and chronic conditions and is prescribed in conjunction with a full naturopathic consultation.

  • What is Iridology?

    Iridology is a traditional naturopathic assessment technique that interprets iris signs to assess a person’s health and to recognise health problems. It does not detect specific diseases but can assist the practitioner to understand the client’s unique health profile.

    An iridology practitioner uses an iridology torch to examine the eye. Some practitioners may take a photo of the eye via an iris camera. This allows the practitioner to closely examine the eye.

    Iridology is not a treatment technique but by using it to assess a person’s health, the practitioner can refine the treatment regime to meet the health needs of the client. Iridology can also help clients to build an overall awareness of their health and wellbeing. Iridology is used in conjunction with a full naturopathic consultation.

  • What is Naturopathy?

    Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health and well-being that is based on the principle that, given the right circumstances, the body has an innate ability to heal itself. Naturopathic practitioners incorporate a blend of traditional knowledge and evidence based practice to help their clients achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

    A range of management approaches including Western herbal & nutritional medicine, dietary and lifestyle advice are used. Some naturopaths also utilise energetic medicines such as Flower Essence Remedies and Homeopathy as part of their recommendations. Iridology is an assessment tool used by some practitioners to provide additional information to the practitioner on constitutional and other health parameters.

    For more information, see our blog on “What is Naturopathy”.

  • What is Nutrition?

    Nutritional medicine is focused toward the prevention and management of a wide range of health conditions. Nutritional Medicine practitioners use a range of dietary and lifestyle modifications and nutritional supplementation therapy and body composition analysis.

    Nutritional Medicine Practitioners draw upon the traditional and evidence-based understandings of utilising food as medicine, along with therapeutic nutritionals; to enable those seeking treatment to manage complex health conditions such as stress, fatigue, digestive disorders, as well as cardiovascular, hormonal and immune concerns.

    Through comprehensive case taking and holistic analysis, our student practitioners are able to tailor dietary & nutritional prescriptions to best suit your individual health goals, incorporating nutritional recommendations and supplementation.

  • What is Telehealth?

    Telehealth is the use of a digital communication platform such as a computer, tablet or mobile phone, for the real-time remote collection, management and prescription of health care information between a client and practitioner. The Practice Wellbeing Centre is offering Telehealth consultation services via a secure software program called Microsoft Teams.

    When conducting a Telehealth consultation there is a requirement to ensure that the consultation is secure, private and confidential. Teams has been selected as it provides these important security features. All health records are stored according to Torrens University Australia privacy policy and relevant state and federal health record laws. /policies-and-forms

    By attending a Telehealth consultation, you will enjoy the convenience of a professional health care consultation from the comfort of your own home or workplace. It allows you to check-in with your natural health care practitioner for ongoing health care guidance, advice, monitoring, referral and prescription. Important Information about your Telehealth consultation.

    To make a Telehealth appointment please contact The Practice Wellbeing Centre at a location that is nearest to you. Clients will be sent a link to your appointment, a client intake questionnaire and consent form. We ask clients to return the forms to The Practice Wellbeing Centre via email prior to the consultation. At the time of the appointment, clients click on the appointment link provided to you by the reception team. Clients do not need to download any apps to devices to access Teams. Clients must have a working webcam with sufficient video and audio quality and internet bandwidth to accommodate a Telehealth consultation. Clients should be able to visually identify your student practitioner, who will be in clinic uniform and wearing their name badge. There will be several people present in the consultation: student practitioner, clinic supervisor and practitioner support team.

  • What is wellbeing?

    Wellbeing is when you feel healthy within yourself and you’re satisfied with your life. It’s a combination of being healthy mentally and physically, reaching your full potential, living according to your values, and finding happiness through what you do each day.

    What creates a state of wellbeing is different for everyone. For some it comes from their spiritual beliefs; for others, it could spring from their good relationships with their partner and friends. Some people might not have great physical health but still feel fulfilled intellectually, economically and socially, so they have a strong feeling of wellbeing.

    Everything that contributes to your wellbeing is interrelated. Your optimistic outlook, healthy self-esteem and ability to adapt to change can work together to maintain your sense of wellbeing even when life throws obstacles in your way. Wellbeing is your own state of feeling happy, of having a purpose and truly feeling well.

  • What is Western Herbal Medicine?

    Western Herbal Medicine is a holistic approach to preventing and treating illness. Work towards optimal health with a tailored treatment plan based on the use of medicinal plants.

    Western Herbal Medicine can assist with weight loss, sleep, stress, allergies and much more. The practitioner will complete a comprehensive health analysis and use herbal medicines and basic dietary advice as the main interventions used to restore health and wellbeing.

  • Why is wellbeing important?

    Wellbeing has an impact on your overall health, your attitude towards yourself and how you interact with others. It’s an essential aspect of good mental health, which is so important to combat stress and anxiety.

    Your wellbeing has an impact on everything you do. Many studies undertaken in Australia and overseas show a strong link between wellbeing and academic performance. Yu, Shek and Zhu write that ‘personal wellbeing such as interpersonal confidence, social and emotional skills, and self-esteem were associated with better adjustment and learning achievement’.

    The Australian Government organisation Comcare, exploring wellbeing in the workplace, found ‘that successful health and wellbeing programs provide an excellent return on investment… on average programs decrease sick leave absenteeism by 25.3%’. Wellbeing can improve our daily lives and it can be improved upon too, so you can always reach new goals. Lu Yu, Daniel T.L. Shek and Xiaoqin Zhu, ‘Influence of Personal Well-Being on Learning Achievement in University Students Over Time’, Frontiers in Psychology, 9 January 2018, accessed at

  • Why study Complementary Medicine?

    Turn your love of health and natural healing into a career with many options. Each year, we aim to develop the most job-ready graduates around, with highly experienced teachers, industry placements, and a hands-on approach to learning.

    Whether you’ve just left school, want a career change, or simply want to upgrade your qualifications, we can help you reach your goals. You will graduate with the knowledge, recognition and practical experience you need to make a worthwhile contribution to the health and wellbeing landscape – and to transform the lives of others.

  • What Quality Assurance do I have if I study at Torrens University Australia?

    Torrens University Australia is registered with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) as an Australian university that is authorised to self-accredit its courses. TEQSA is Australia’s independent regulator of the higher education sector and assesses providers against the Higher Education Standards Framework.

    View our TEQSA Profile here:

    Torrens University Australia’s courses (except short courses) comply with, and are recognised under, the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Torrens’ Academic Board is accountable to the Governing Board that oversees the quality assurance of all matters relating to the university’s teaching, research and educational courses.

  • How do I apply for a scholarship?

    To find out how to apply for scholarships in Australia, visit Scholarships.

    All faculties of Torrens University Australia offer scholarships for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Depending on the scholarship type, we don’t just look at your academic record, we want to know what makes you unique in terms of things such as activities, leadership skills and hobbies. When you speak to one of our Future Student Advisors, let them know you wish to be considered for a scholarship in your application form. They will show you how to apply for a scholarship.

  • What type of scholarships do you offer?

    We offer scholarships in different areas. These include Alumni, Industry, Indigenous, International, Business, Hospitality, Hotel Management, Nursing, Health, and Design, and Creative Technology.

    To find out more, visit Scholarships or let one of our Future Student Advisors know you wish to be considered for a scholarship in your application.

  • Who is eligible to apply for an international student scholarship?
    International students are students who don't hold Australian citizenship or permanent residency, New Zealand citizenship or a Humanitarian Visa. In order to be eligible for the scholarship, student must meet associated course application criteria.
  • What student support is available?

    We have a range of student support services, including Success Coaches, Library and Learning Services, Student Services Advisors, administration support, international student support, counselling and disability support.

    To find out more visit Student Services and Support or contact our Future Student Advisors to find a student support group.

  • 国际学生如何在澳大利亚获得奖学金?
  • 国际学生可以在澳大利亚兼职打工多少小时?
    大多数学生签证允许您在课程学习期间每两周最多工作40个小时。 欲了解更多信息,请访问 在澳大利亚工作的所有人,在工作场所均享有基本权利和保护,包括最低工资和工作条件。公平工作监察专员确保依据澳大利亚工作场所的相关法律,公平地保护和实现这些权利。如要获取更多信息,请访问
  • 如何承担高昂的生活成本?
  • 在澳大利亚的生活费用需要多少?
    内政部(Department of Home Affairs)规定了您必须满足相应的财务要求,才能获得澳大利亚的学生签证。从2019年10月起,12个月的生活费用为:12个月的生活费用为 您本人——21,041澳元 伴侣或配偶——7,362澳元 儿童——3,152澳元 所有费用为年度费用,以澳元计。请访问
  • 为什么国际学生选择来澳大利亚学习?
  • What is a Success Coach?
    Our Success Coaches are available throughout your studies, to help you discover and build on your strengths so you can work towards your career goals. Our Success Coaches are qualified professionals with experience in the industry you are studying to get into. They are available to coach you online, on campus or both. To find out more, visit Success Coaches.
  • What is tuition assurance?

    If you’re a domestic student, your investment in your education is protected as set out in our Tuition Assurance Statement.

    International students are covered by our membership to the Tuition Protection Scheme (TPS), an initiative of the Australian Government to assist international students whose education providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study. The TPS ensures that international students can either complete their studies in another course or with another education provider or receive a refund of their unspent tuition fees.

    In the event that Torrens University Australia defaults on a course in relation to an international student or intending international student by failing to provide the student’s course at the commencement date and agreed location, or ceases to provide the student’s course before completion, the university’s membership of the TPS will ensure that the student receives a refund or is placed in an suitable alternative course.

  • Can I change the course or my preferred study location after receiving my Early Entry offer?
    Yes. You can change your course, study mode (online/ face-to-face), or study location. Your Future Student Advisor can assist. You will find the details of your Future Student Advisor in your letter of offer.
  • Can I defer my offer?
    Yes. You can choose to start your studies at a later date. Simply accept your offer and speak to your Future Student Advisor to defer your start date.
  • Can I receive more than one offer?
    If you have submitted multiple applications for different courses, you may receive more than one offer.
  • How are early entry offers different to Tertiary Admission Centre (TAC) offers?
    The Early Entry program is a special pathway designed to secure your spot in your preferred course before your year 12 exams. TACs take your preference order and eligibility into consideration before making you an offer.
    • Early Entry application is free. You have to pay an application fee to apply through TAC.
    • You will receive your Early Entry offer in September. You can only receive a TAC offer as part of their scheduled offer rounds after your year 12 results are released.
    • An Early Entry offer is conditional, a TAC offer is unconditional.
    • With an Early Entry application, you can only apply for one course at a time but you can change your preferred course at any time. A TAC application allows you to apply for several courses within a single application.
  • I have received an Early Entry offer. Do I still need to complete my Year 12 (HSC/VCE/QCE/SACE) exams?
    Yes. Early Entry offers are conditional upon you successfully meeting the course specific eligibility criteria.
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