Supporting Research at Torrens University

Torrens University is committed to supporting its researchers by offering resources and support aimed at fostering aspiration, excellence, integrity and impact. Our strategy for research professional development is in line with the globally recognised VITAE Researcher Development Framework. The framework comprises four domains, with Domain A focusing on knowledge and intellectual abilities.

Within this domain, there are three key categories:

  • A1 Knowledge base: This includes subject knowledge, both theoretical and practical research methods, information seeking and information literacy.
  • A2 Cognitive abilities: Skills such as analysing, synthesising, critical thinking, evaluating and problem-solving are covered here.
  • A3 Creativity: Emphasises an inquiring mind, intellectual insight, innovation, constructing arguments and taking intellectual risks.


To assist in aligning your professional development with these areas, we've created a Yearly Planner. This tool helps you self-assess your development needs against the opportunities we provide. Major activities featured include the University Research Seminar Series, Research and Innovation Week, EPIGEUM modules, Supervisor Community of Practice and Subscriptions.

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Torrens University Yearly RDF Planner

Enhance, deepen and expand your knowledge, skills and techniques to achieve excellence with integrity.
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