health course hero woman with dropper | Torrens University
A Natural Therapy course (can also be known as Complementary Medicine) focuses on healing using traditional knowledge systems and natural treatment techniques while offering comprehensive knowledge of the human body and skills to work effectively with clients to enhance individual and community health.

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What are Natural Therapy Courses?

Embark on a journey into natural therapy courses, a field that includes Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine, Chinese Medicine and Clinical Nutrition. These practice-based courses have a strong foundation in health science, discipline-specific education and hands-on clinical practice.

If you are not sure what course is right for you, begin your adventure with our discovery course, the Diploma of Health Science. Learn introductory health science and choose natural therapy subjects that will help you find the career path that matches your passion and talent.

Continue on to a clinical course with credit transfers and make a difference by improving individual health outcomes and sharing your knowledge as a professional practitioner.

I made the right choice to study at Torrens University – it’s given me the tools, knowledge and passion to find a career I love.
Collaboration Icon | Torrens University

Strong job opportunities
Our natural therapy courses prepare you for a career in the fast-growing traditional, complementary and integrative health sector.

Torrens University award ribbon icon

Access to accredited courses
Our Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition courses are accredited by Australian Traditional Medicine Society.

Workshops Lecture Icon | Torrens University

Broad perspective on health
Studying a natural therapies course will provide a strong foundation to begin your health career.

Natural Leaf Icon | Torrens University

Tap into our knowledge 
Our heritage with Southern School of Natural Therapies and Australasian College of Natural Therapies ensures you’re learning from decades of experience.

I made the right choice to study at Torrens University – it’s given me the tools, knowledge and passion to find a career I love.

Explore Natural Therapy at Torrens University Australia

Torrens University Australia courses are industry-driven and delivered by Health experts. All higher education courses include real-life industry experience, building critical, practical skills to help you graduate ready to work.

Learn more about Natural Therapy courses
Learn more about Natural Therapy courses

Why study with us?

As the country’s fastest-growing university, Torrens University Australia brings a fresh approach to higher education. With employability at the centre of everything we do, we offer industry-relevant Natural Therapy courses in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane taught by leading complementary medicine experts. Our flexible online, on-campus and blended study options, personalised approach and industry placements will help you find a career you love.

Bachelor of Health Science Naturopathy | Nicola Meithke | Health
The Work-Integrated Learning in the student-run clinic and building relationships with academics who are immersed in the industry was hands down the most valuable experience.
Nicola Miethke
Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)
Learn hands on proof point comp medicine
Learn hands-on and help genuine clients
With the highest level of practical experience, you will develop skills in clinical situations, access the latest technology and help clients with their wellbeing goals.
Torrens University Australia | People Practicing Medicine
Learn from specialists in their field
Our academics understand where the industry is heading and will guide you on your learning journey. 
progressive university proof point comp medicine
Join Australia's most progressive university
Digitally enabled, industry leading and future-focused: we give you all the tools you need to create your own success.

Your teachers and academics

Active on the forefront of their field, our industry-connected educational facilitators are here to help you achieve your career goal.

Catherine Smith Naturopathy and WHM Academic

Catherine Smith
Program director, Naturopathy and Western Herbal Medicine

Catherine’s journey in naturopathy began in the community sector and progressed to vocational and higher education roles.

Having practised as a naturopath in natural medicine and integrative health clinics since her graduation from ACNT in 1999, she has helped many clients gain better health outcomes. As an educator, Catherine is passionate about ensuring TUA courses have the highest educational standards and prepare students for careers in health.


Pam Megaw | Staff
Pam Megaw
Associate Dean of Health and Education
After completing her PhD in Neuroscience at La Trobe University, Pam conducted post-doctoral research at the Medical College of Wisconsin, USA, studying circadian rhythms.


Choose a campus to suit your lifestyle

You decide where you study. We have built first-class campus facilities in central locations across Australia and invested in technology so you can study anytime from anywhere in the world, when it suits your schedule.

Learn more about Natural Therapy courses
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