Join our Academic Integrity Week workshops to develop your writing and researching skills

Academic Integrity Week 2023

Academic Integrity Week provides students with all the resources to set them up for study success.

Starting your study journey is an exciting time in any student's life. However, it can be an overwhelming process knowing where to start - whether you are a first-time student, or returning after many years.

Torrens University aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to excel during their academic experience and deliver study success. Academic Integrity Week is held every trimester to support students in navigating our platforms, understanding study expectations with referencing, academic integrity and writing, and sharing useful tips and tricks to develop your assessment skills.

Academic integrity is all about making sure that the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility are observed in achieving academic outcomes. It is important to understand academic integrity as it means you produce and submit assessments in an honest and fair way.

Student particpating in academic workshop

Academic Integrity Week

Students can join and participate in workshops across Academic Integrity Week from the 25th to 29th September, which are hosted by current students and the Academic Success Team. Join these interactive sessions and learn about a range of topics, like how to use SafeAssign, how to reference and paraphrase, and how to write academically and responsibly.

Not only can students join a host of online sessions, but there is a wide variety of academic resources that students can access at any time. During Academic Integrity Week, you can access a range of online resources that help you understand this important concept better. You can access these resources through Blackboard. Make sure you are logged in before clicking on the link.

Moreover, our Academic Skills page has a host of information with individual assessment preparation videos, to help talk you through various assessment formats and study skills. These include reading, time management, note-taking and more. Learn how to use our online library to support your studies, how to navigate Blackboard to get the most out of your classes and even how to use ChatGPT appropriately in your study.

If students still require some additional support, our Academic Support Facilitators are available to help provide advice and connect you with the right services. They hold ‘pathway to success’ sessions to help prepare you for your studies, ‘welcome back to uni’ sessions for returning students and weekly drop-in sessions to answer any questions.

Academic resources available on the Student Hub

There is a host of information available at your fingertips to ensure you have the best study experience during your time at Torrens University. Explore the Student Hub to find all the key information you need and available study resources.

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