How to become job-ready as an international student

Two female international students chatting

Studying in a foreign country can come with many challenges and opportunities. Learn how you can become job-ready after graduation here.

Find out about the support available to international students throughout their study journey that sets them up for career success.

As an international student, studying in a foreign country comes with many challenges but opens up a world of opportunity. At Torrens University, we want to make the transition from student life to your professional career as smooth as possible. We have a range of resources and tips available to help make the most of your post-graduation career opportunities in Australia.

Create a career plan and think about the different opportunities

During your studies, your lecturers may introduce you to new career possibilities and avenues you had never considered. Start your job search early by utilising popular sites in Australia like Seek and LinkedIn, where you can learn about the roles available and the skills required. Consult your Student Advisors and Success Coaches who are available to provide guidance, support and resources to help reach your goals during your academic journey.

Discover what internship opportunities are available and try different roles to discover where your passion lies. At Torrens University Australia, we partner with many different brands to give students the opportunity to discover a meaningful work experience. With our business courses, students have access to the Social Enterprise Hub which connects students with social-impact focused organisations, offering unique work placement opportunities.

You can also gain experience through non-academic fields by volunteering in your local community or engaging in club leadership opportunities like the Student Representative Council (SRC) and Student Experience Ambassadors. These experiences can add value to your portfolio, developing skills that are transferable into the workplace and beyond.

Build up and update your resume

It is often recommended to always have an updated resume, outlining your key experiences and skills. Keep it consistent and concise! You want to make sure it is easily scannable (often in under 10 seconds) and when adapting it to a specific job, make sure you incorporate all the key competencies outlined in the job description.

Prioritise your most relevant and recent experiences at the start of your resume and put your skills at the top. You should always customise your resume for each position you apply for and make sure you have researched the company. The average resume length is between 1-3 pages, based on industry standards, and there are many professional apps like Canva that you can use to style and customise your resume.

Know your visa restrictions

All people working in Australia have basic rights and protections in the workplace, including minimum pay and conditions. The Fair Work Ombudsman ensures these rights are protected and enforced fairly under Australia’s workplace laws.

To work in Australia, you will need a Tax File Number (TFN) which requires you to pay income tax and enables you to file a tax return. Be aware that visa requirements may change at any time, so always consult with government sources for regular updates.

International students chatting about being job-ready

Use student resources wisely to become job-ready

At Torrens University, we offer a variety of resources to support students. Careers Connect is a platform that connects Students, Industry and Student Advisors, providing a digital centre for students to access resume and cover letter writing services, careers and industry-related events, explore job opportunities, complete mock interviews and much more. Careers Connect collates upcoming career development expos held by leading Australian brands to develop your personal brand.

We also offer digital short courses to all students that develop critical thinking, digital essentials, workplace essentials and much more. These are great resources to expand your skills and add to your resume to give you a unique advantage over other graduates.

You can join communities like Prosple, which helps students find graduate positions and internships in Australia or GoinGlobal which investigates jobs in different countries and regions. It’s important to stay connected with previous employers, families and friends through platforms like LinkedIn, where you can gain insights into job trends and employer expectations.

Our Student Advisors run programs every trimester to ensure students have the essential skills and insights to develop themselves throughout their studies. You can attend these sessions and our drop-in sessions, in addition to scheduling a meeting for personalised guidance.

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