What could a Vogue Australia scholarship do for your career

What could a Vogue Australia scholarship do for your career | Torrens University

If you’ve been pondering a career in design, there’s never been a better time to get started.

Applications for the Vogue Australia Design scholarship are now open and could help springboard you into your dream career in design.

With 50% off your tuition fees and access to exclusive opportunities thanks to Billy Blue College of Design’s partnership with Vogue Australia, this isn’t an opportunity to let pass you by.

We have one scholarship available for an individual looking to commence their studies in our 16 September 2024 intake.

Meet our Vogue Australia scholarship recipient Favour Mobongi

For our latest scholarship recipient, Bachelor of Branded Fashion Design student Favour Mobongi, the scholarship has opened doors that have allowed her to begin her journey towards a career in the fashion industry.

Favour Mobongi

2024 T1 Vogue Australia scholarship recipient - Favour Mobongi

We asked her all about her experience applying and what the scholarship means to her, so you can get inspired for your own submission.

Why did you choose to study Fashion Design?

I’ve always been a creative mind. I’m a very visual person and ever since primary school, I have loved all things arts and crafts. Mr Maker and My Froggy Stuff were my favourite shows growing up so creating things wasn’t far-fetched for me.

Growing up, I had Barbie dolls that I loved playing with. I remember that we didn’t always have enough money to get my dolls different outfits, so I took it upon myself to make them outfits from scratch.

I remember when I was in primary school, I begged my mum to teach me how to do a simple hand stitch that she would do to mend my uniform, just so I could start sewing. What started off as me making my Barbie’s dresses from paper towels, turned into me using my old t-shirts and leggings to create skirts and tops for my dolls.

This little passion grew and stayed with me till the end of my schooling and is the reason why I wanted to study fashion design.

How did you find out about the Vogue Australia scholarship?

I found out about Torrens University through a Year 12 university exhibition, and I knew from that moment I wanted to attend Torrens. I spoke to someone at the university and they sent me a link to all the scholarships that they had to offer for design courses.

What did you submit for your scholarship application and why?

I submitted a fashion-focused Vogue Australia cover design, which I created as a tribute to the hidden faces and hands that shape and embody the diverse population of Australia in 2024.

I am an African woman and growing up I wasn’t always proud of that, as I didn’t really see people who looked like me in the media or at school. However, the older I get the more confident I grow in my skin and in my culture, and I wanted to create a safe space on my cover, for people who haven’t always felt seen to feel like they belong somewhere. What better way to promote inclusivity than the fashion industry, an industry that connects people all over the world to each other?

Vogue Australia cover submission

Favour Mobongi's winning Vogue Australia cover design submission

How did it feel when you found out you won the Vogue Australia scholarship?

I was ecstatic! I got a phone call from my Future Student Advisor and if you ask her, even she would have the same response. When she told me the great news, I squealed in a high-pitched voice, “No way!” I was extremely happy because I never thought I would win. As excited as I was, I was also so emotional and my dreams started to feel closer and more real at that moment.

What are you looking forward to the most about studying at Billy Blue?

For the first time in my life, I’m excited to learn. I am looking forward to getting to a place in which I can begin to design my own clothing with the knowledge that I will build at Billy Blue through the Bachelor of Branded Fashion Design.

What is your advice for someone considering applying for the scholarship?

It sounds cliche but just do it. The only way you fail is if you don’t try. I almost didn’t apply because I was so scared of not receiving the scholarship because I didn’t think I was good enough – but how could I know if I never tried?

Now, it’s up to you to take your first step. Applications close on 2 September 2024.

Check our Vogue Australia scholarship
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